Madeleine Beckman holds BA and MA degrees from New York University and
an MFA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Her work has appeared in Barrow
Street, The Southern Poetry Review, The New York Quarterly,
Confrontation, Poetry Motel, Skidrow Penthouse, Happy, Response,
Nantucket Anthology, Anthology of Exotic Places, and elsewhere.
She has taught Advanced Poetry Workshop and Revision from the Inside Out at New York University/Gallatin, where she was on the Advisory Board of The Gallatin Review.
She was also Writer-in-Residence at Stern College for Women, and served
as the Donald I. Fine Writing Professor, Brooklyn College/CUNY English
Department. A selection of readings she has given includes:
Henley on Thames International Arts Festival (U.K.)
Guest Poet, The Juilliard School
WNYCE Radio, New York
BATV TV, Boston
Newburyport Art Association, Newburyport, MA
Ear Inn, New York
La MaMa, New York
Teachers and Writers Collaborative, New York
Madeleine has also contributed to The New Yorker, Art & Auction, Glamour, The Village Voice, Self, Health, The New York Daily News, and many other periodicals.